Information about our Discord and how to join it! Written by Zinc.
How to Join the Discord
1. On Minecraft, join the server at mc.cyandeserts.com 2. Use the command, /discord. Click the message that appears in chat, this will give you a personalized link to join the Discord. A prompt will ask users if they would like to open the link, or copy it to their clipboard. The steps change here depending on where you are signed into Discord (Web Browser / Desktop Application). Web Browser: 3a. If you are signed into Discord on your Web Browser, simply click the /discord message and proceed to open the link in your Web Browser. You should now see the server and all of it's channels. Desktop Application: 3a. If you are signed into Discord via the Desktop Application, do /discord and click the message, then copy the link to your Clipboard. 3b. When the link has been copied to your clipboard, go into the Discord application, and scroll to the bottom of your server list on the left-hand side of the screen. You will see a button that has a green + sign inside of it. Click this button and then click the prompt that says, "Join A Server" at the bottom. 3c. In the "Invite Link" field, simply paste in the link that you got from /discord and hit Join Server. You should now see the server and all of its channels.
Discord Guild Rules
We have a very simple set of rules for our Discord! These rules closely mirror our chat in-game.
All content within the Discord Guild must be permitted via Discord's Terms and Community Guidelines. People in violation of Discord's rules will be banned from the Guild instantly.
Any content that is disallowed on CyanDeserts Minecraft Server, is not allowed within the Discord. This includes but is not limited to discussion of extremely controversial topics, harassment of other users, any type of discrimination/advertising, and excessive spamming.
Only ping staff members in emergency situations. An "emergency" situation is anything that is extremely time-sensitive. This may include spam of extreme/inappropriate content, or to notify of any unscheduled outages/attacks on the server.
Discord Punishments
Violations of our Discord Rules will result in a permanent ban from the Discord Guild on the first offense, with no opportunity for appeal. It is critical that you follow all Guild Rules if you wish to be a part of the community. Losing access to the Discord means you will also lose access to the following:
Real-Time Server Updates
News / Announcements
Ability to appeal other server punishments (Mutes, Bans, etc.)
Last updated
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